What is Tank Game?
Tank Game is a third person tank shooter. It was made in Unity by myself, Dan Arrowsmith and Brandon Hacking as part of the 'Staffs University Welcome Week Game Jam In Cooperation With Codemasters And Playground'.
Who did what?
The programming was done by myself, while the level design was done by Dan and Brandon.
When was the game jam?
The game jam lasted from the 17th to the 19th of September with judging taking place on the 20th.
What are the controls?
W and S move the tank forwards and backwards, while A and D rotate the tank body. The left and right arrow keys are used to rotate the tank head. To shoot, press space.
What went right/wrong during development?
One of the things that went right was team work, as we were able to work well as a team. When we would meet up at the start of each day,
I would show the other two what I had worked on the previous night and get feedback, seeing what they thought worked or didn't work.
Additionally, I found that some bugs could result in fun gameplay. One of the features that we wanted was bullets which would bounce off of walls.
However, the bullets only check if what they have collided with is the player or an enemy. If it is not one of these, it assumes it has collided with a wall.
The problem with this is that if two bullets collide, they bounce off each other. When I initially saw this, I was going to fix it.
But after playing the game with it, I found that it was more fun with it as you could deflect enemy bullets with your own bullets.
One of the things that went wrong was getting the bullets working. As mentioned earlier, one of the key features we wanted was bullets to bounce
off of walls. In theory, this should have been simple. However, during development I just wasn't able to get the vector math right.
As I was the only one doing the programming, I couldn't spend too long on this.
The solution I found was to have the bullets rotate when they collide with the walls.
This works in some cases, however if the bullet hits the wall at the right angle, it is able to pass through the wall.
As I was keeping myself to a strict time limit for each feature so that everything would be finished on time, I didn't have time to fix this problem.
Where can I play the game/access the source code?
Both the game and the source code can be found on my github account. Alternatively, you can click here to go straight to the github page.